Monday, 8 May 2017

MEET VITU’S EXPRESSION AT SOLOMONIC by Vitumbiko Gwambaike, Edited by Innot Fumban Phiri Jnr.

I started going to Solomonic peacocks theater two years ago because of my friends Fumban and Wiseman whom l have known in around 2012 at Nyamitambo arts palace, we were doing English stage drama but let’s save more about Nyamitambo arts palace for another time. In the last two years my presence at solomonic had been on and off mainly because of school since I am now pursuing my first degree at the university of Malawi Chancellor College and am going in my final year so I usually go to solomonic during holidays

Vitu pose at Show

My journey at solomonic have been so far great mainly because of experience am getting interms of theatrical performances, sorry I forget to tell you that I am majoring in drama and minoring in philosophy hence theatre has been part of me and the experience I obtained from solomonic during holidays has been just awesome for my career as an actor, director and a script writer. In my school we learn a lot of things theoretically but we luck that punch of doing the same stuff on the ground and Solomonic has been helping me how I can implement what I have learnt in class into practical. Mr matukuta and the whole solomonic management trusted me and my colleague Dalistani Alsemo to help our friends on script writing and theater for development and I handled the latter.

Theater for development is now one of the most flourishing theater in developing countries including Malawi and a lot of organisation are using it to spread messages across the country. I studied theater for development three years ago when I was in my 2nd year and I have been going out with different organisation like CREECOM, Arts and Global health centre Africa, Africa cooperation for community development and other as a TFD troop member and a facilitator. As a facilitator I usually meet with drama club members in different areas and most of the club members I have worked with are primary school dropout but this was not the case with solomonic were the majority of the members have secondary certificate and are now pursuing diplomas and degrees in different colleges.
Theatre For Development by Mapeacoks Theatre Class

When Mr Matukuta approach me to help my colleagues on TFD my body filled with fear for unknown reasons but my main worry was that the people whom am about to take my lesson to are my friends, moreover to teacher someone (Fumbani) who introduced me into acting and he is quite experience script writing of which to I have to went the corridors of university of Malawi in order to be a script writer. So the question I was having in my mind was “are they going to listen to me and take me serious?” the other worry was that almost all the members were my age mates and you know how we youth underage each other regardless of the message. So I went home and prepare for my lesson and the next time I come it was boom!! I killed it all the fears went abroad and there I was in front of the whole members’ transferring my knowledge of the TFD to people who only about less than 20% knew about TFD as show during the pre evaluation. I must admit here I enjoyed my lesson because the participants were very active, people who were eager to know and I remember they could shower me with questions so that they should really understand the whole concepts of TFD and I really enjoyed it.  
I didn’t have really time to fixture in their plays but I can testify here that the time I was there doing there practise for plays like Romeo and Juliet, A children play for St Patrick’s, the sensitization play on HIV testing and treatment were all moments to be cherished because I learnt a lot as a theatre practitioner and as an individual since I encountered with different people with different back ground. Lastly I want to thank the management and the whole Solomonic team for the great time I have with them, I can’t wait for another holiday to come here again.

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